What makes a fun server?

Hi guys, i want to make a server, i have always been interested in Roleplay, but it's booring after 4 years.
So i want something that's fun, i know Deathmatching & Stunting is fun, but i want something new.
Something that would attract new people of sa-mp, becuse i want to help them.

Leave your interesting and creative comments below.

As I was just saying in a PM to someone:

"Having a unique feature (but not differing too much from the generic features) that attracts players is something any server needs, otherwise what else is going to keep them at your server? Look at the killstreak system in Black Ops, that generally keeps me playing for hours, plus gaining XP to level up to unlock new weapons/items. "

EDIT: \/ too.

All online gaming is pretty much about whoring stats. If there is a way someone can have better stats than someone else, then they will stay online and try to be the best. That's just how it works for most people. If your server has a decent playerbase and not much of a stats system, add that and see what happens.

For servers with little to no playerbase, the basics are all you really need - fair yet unobtrusive admins, and a well-balanced bug-free script.

EDIT: Someone just pointed out that I (ironically) have my stats in my sig

Oh yes, that is very true.

Hmm, so making people play there for several hours becuse they feel like they have to, is the way to go?
Very interesting, everybody wants to be the best.

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