Few Questions

Ok heres my list of what I need to know how to make.

I need it so when a player kills a player the killer get rewarded 1,500$
I need to know how to "save a player vehicle" so if he spawns it from my dialog, it'll charge him xxx,xxx$, I know how to make it charge, but How do I make it save to his file or w/e with the vehicle mods? - NVM About the vehicle thing, I'll learn that myself, But what about the player killer?

UPDATED: I need help with adding the streamer, for some reason it doesnt work, Whenever I use a map some one mapped me "createDynamicObject" i'v installed the include and all, but it always buggs the server

Place this code in OnPlayerDeath:

pawn Code:
if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
    GivePlayerMoney(killerid, 1500);

Originally Posted by Azzeto
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Ok heres my list of what I need to know how to make.

I need it so when a player kills a player the killer get rewarded 1,500$
I need to know how to "save a player vehicle" so if he spawns it from my dialog, it'll charge him xxx,xxx$, I know how to make it charge, but How do I make it save to his file or w/e with the vehicle mods? - NVM About the vehicle thing, I'll learn that myself, But what about the player killer?
For the first one.

under OnPlayerDeath add


Thank you both, Now I have one more question that just popped up,
I'm using Y_INI for my registration/login system, what would be the format to make admin commands? Lol.

Do you have TeamViewer? i can help you there. PM me the info

Never mind, I'v figured it out, thanks though!

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