How To Create an Amx File:
Open up Pawno -> /Server/Pawno/Pawno.exe/
Open up a Script/Make ur Own -> Press F5
The Script Will Complie
Error May Occur -> Look Carefully at the Error e.g /Server/ex/
(49Undefined Symbol;
Take the Time to look at bit in Red, [Example]
Undefined Symbol: meaning a Variable is not Defined there for you Can't use it
498: The Line witch the Error is on [NOT ALL THE TIME Can be some lines up or down]
Your Issue today, Seemes to Be Located as a Missing File 'streamer'
I'm not Aware what Streamer your Source is using But Could Try Searching 'Streamer 2.5 -> Ignicitgo's or Somthing xD
Place it into your Includes
if This Occurs e.g 'Midostream' is not Found [I'm a C++ User so i Can't Remember what it says on Pawno]
But try Searching on ******, Hopefully You'll Get the Correct one.
Place into Pawno/Includes
Cheers iiKyle - Hopefully i made Some Sense :/