gPrisonSpawn help !

new Float:gPrisonSpawns[][20] = {
When I /prison somebody it sends him to blueberry . Help me please.

i dont understand what you're trying to say, can you explain more?

Maybe you miss "Z" Coordination

It Cant me 2626 .. normal is above 25

You should fix your array first!

Originally Posted by DanBike
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new Float:gPrisonSpawns[][20] = {
If you want it put it like this... there are 21 rows in your code and each row has 3 elements. So fix the sizes first...
pawn Код:
new Float:gPrisonSpawns[21][3] = {
Now look at the first 3 rows which don't have proper syntax! There's an unneeded comma after the X-coordinate
pawn Код:
Hope this helps you a little! If not, post the /prison!

C:\Documents and Settings\Liviu\My Documents\ulrp\ulrp\gamemodes\ULRP.pwn(3849) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "gPrisonSpawns")
C:\Documents and Settings\Liviu\My Documents\ulrp\ulrp\gamemodes\ULRP.pwn(3850) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "gPrisonSpawns")
C:\Documents and Settings\Liviu\My Documents\ulrp\ulrp\gamemodes\ULRP.pwn(3851) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "gPrisonSpawns")
C:\Documents and Settings\Liviu\My Documents\ulrp\ulrp\gamemodes\ULRP.pwn(3852) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "gPrisonSpawns")
C:\Documents and Settings\Liviu\My Documents\ulrp\ulrp\gamemodes\ULRP.pwn(3853) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "gPrisonSpawns")
C:\Documents and Settings\Liviu\My Documents\ulrp\ulrp\gamemodes\ULRP.pwn(3854) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "gPrisonSpawns")
C:\Documents and Settings\Liviu\My Documents\ulrp\ulrp\gamemodes\ULRP.pwn(20794) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "gPrisonSpawns")
C:\Documents and Settings\Liviu\My Documents\ulrp\ulrp\gamemodes\ULRP.pwn(20795) : error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "gPrisonSpawns")
After I did what you've said this is what I got.

If the prison is in a int make sir you have set it in that int..

The prison is not in an interior , it's mapped somewhere in the air , I guess it's not in an interior right?

pawn Код:
new Float:gPrisonSpawns[21][3] =
And show us your code where you use gPrisonSpawns.
For quick example:
pawn Код:

else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJailed] == 3) {
        if(!PlayerInfo[playerid][pWakeMsgSend]) {
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_PURPLE, "** You wake up in Prison **");
        PlayerInfo[playerid][pInt] = 0;
        IntEntered[playerid] = 0;
        rand = random(sizeof(gPrisonSpawns));
                                                  // Warp the player
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, gPrisonSpawns[rand][0],gPrisonSpawns[rand][1], gPrisonSpawns[rand][2]);
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, gPrisonSpawns[rand][3], gPrisonSpawns[rand][4], gPrisonSpawns[rand][5]);
        SetPlayerPos(playerid, gPrisonSpawns[rand][6], gPrisonSpawns[rand][7], gPrisonSpawns[rand][8]);
        SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 90);
        return 1;

new rand;
                        BroadCast(COLOR_BLUE, string);
                        PlayerInfo[suspect][pJailTime] = time*3600;
                        format(string, sizeof(string), "You are jailed for %d hours.", PlayerInfo[suspect][pJailTime]);
                        SendClientMessage(suspect, COLOR_WHITE, string);
                        format(string,sizeof(string),"%s prisons %s for %d mins, %d bail",sendername,giveplayer,PlayerInfo[suspect][pJailTime], JailPrice[suspect]);
                        PlayerInfo[suspect][pJailed] = 3;
                        rand = random(sizeof(gPrisonSpawns));
                                                  // Warp the player
                        SetPlayerPos(suspect, gPrisonSpawns[rand][0],gPrisonSpawns[rand][1], gPrisonSpawns[rand][2]);
                        SetPlayerPos(suspect, gPrisonSpawns[rand][3], gPrisonSpawns[rand][4], gPrisonSpawns[rand][5]);
                        SetPlayerPos(suspect, gPrisonSpawns[rand][6], gPrisonSpawns[rand][7], gPrisonSpawns[rand][8]);

pawn Код:
SetPlayerPos(playerid, gPrisonSpawns[rand][0],gPrisonSpawns[rand][1], gPrisonSpawns[rand][2]);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, gPrisonSpawns[rand][3], gPrisonSpawns[rand][4], gPrisonSpawns[rand][5]);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, gPrisonSpawns[rand][6], gPrisonSpawns[rand][7], gPrisonSpawns[rand][8]);
That's the reason for your errors, the indexes can go from 0 to 2, not anything above. I don't even understand what you're trying to do teleporting the player 3 times, 2 times to an invalid location entirely.

To make the player go to a random jail, simply do:
pawn Код:
rand = random(sizeof(gPrisonSpawns));
SetPlayerPos(playerid, gPrisonSpawns[rand][0], gPrisonSpawns[rand][1], gPrisonSpawns[rand][2]);

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