Cars as objects

Hello, I'm making a graveyard for cars, and I wanna pile them up. Can I add cars as a objects so that they stay where they should be and not be enterable?

You can't make Cars as non-usable objects AFAIK.

But you can use some functions to make them useless.

SetVehicleParamsEx to turn off engine, lockdoors.
OnPlayerStateChange to check if the player is entering useless vehicle and slap/eject him out of it and SetVehicleToRespawn to respawn the vehicle.

But that wont make them stay on top of each other


There are few "Trashed" car objects.. You could use them if you want.

Yeah I did that found 2 car wrecks

You can create a vehicle then on top of it some kind of invisible object that acts like a hard surface to crete another vehicle on top of that. The bad thing is I don't recall right now any object that you can use for that, but you may want give it a try.

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