Streamer problem

Oh my god, i had streamer activated, i deactivated, deleted plugins forlder, deleted it from server.cfg
deleted include <streamer> and when i activated again ...
My SERVER dont work wtf?? Retrivieving info...

I'm not understanding you.

If you want your streamer to work, simply place it into your plugins folder, make sure its including into your server configuration (.cfg) and included (#include <streamer>) into your script...

My server worked, I had streamer normally, I tried something... so i deleted streamer, folder and all, I added it again and my server don't work now ... i dont know why...

Well deleting your plugins folder will not help. You need to make sure everything is in there including the streamer include and then as Kush said. If it still doesnt work post your server log pl0x

Well, my server no don't work without streamer too

I'm not getting you. You need to have the plugins folder inside SA-MP with the streamer plugin inside. Then in your server cfg you MUST have
plugins streamer
and you MUST have
pawn Код:
#include <streamer>
then...compile, save, restart. It SHOULD work if everything is in properly.

in server log is runtime error 20

I KNOW IT SHOULD WORK!!! .. I had it already one time, but now, my server stoped work and I know how to do that work, I must restart all server.cfg and etc

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