19.07.2011, 17:54
Hello. Im trying to make a car paking place in my server, but using SetObjectRot i have problem. I have added object for gates, and i want to make them open by rotating. So the problem is that, when SetObjectRot don't doing anything, don't rotates object. There are my codes:
I have this codes on gamemode init:
Then on player pickup pikcup:
And then on dialogresponse:
And i can't see where is the problem, why it don't rotates object?
I have this codes on gamemode init:
new aikstelesv; aikstelesv = CreateObject(968, -1970.6625976563, 277.96701049805, 35.209579467773, 359.94348144531, 268.00082397461, 359.9990234375);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,8638,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Car Parking","Gates opening price is: 150$\nDo you want to open?","Yes","No");
if(dialogid == 8638) { if(response) { if(GetPlayerMoneyA(playerid) < 150) { SendClientMessage(playerid,BLUE,"Sorry, but you don't have 150$"); return 1; } GivePlayerMoneyA(playerid, -150); MoveObject(aikstelesv,-1970.662109375, 277.966796875, 35.209579467773, 3); SetObjectRot(aikstelesv,1.7361450195313, 357.99905395508, 358.31900024414); //Cordinates not of object x,y,z position, but x,y,z rotation ;p return 1; } }