Looking for a scripter

Hey all,
I'm part of a small community based around a RolePlay server called City of Devils (http://cityofdevils-rp.com/) and we are currently looking for a scripter. You need to be confident in SAMP scripting as well as SQL. Apparently (as I'm not admin on this server, just going by what I've heard) you unfortunately won't be paid for this, but you will be offered a high admin position on the server and forums. Don't bother replying to this post, just email brookook@live.com if you're interested.

You're an useless man. Who in the world would do scripting for administrator privileges, I just don't understand.

No-one will do it for free.

If the server is packed with 400+ players, why not, if its a deadline RP and you're offering admin position (ANOTHER JOB for the scripter) Then don't get your hopes...

I can do Scripting for Free but i am not a Pro so i can do smalll things just add me
Contacts on my Signature

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