Help! On Port 7777 My server doesnt start

If i set my Server to 7777 He doesnt go online for other players.

I have forward the port.
But the weard thing is. On Port 7771 He start ..
But then he isnt in the Internet List.

Sombody help me please!

You can start the server on any port you want, as long that port is free and able to run server.
(I'm running it on :3443 without any problems)...

Put "announce" to 1 in your server.cfg file.

It still doesnt work i need a port for Internet list normal it is 7777 But that one wont work with me

Make sure you port forwarded PROPERLY! Make sure you have allowed all incoming and outgoing connections in port 7777.

Make sure your firewall isn't blocking 7777.

Originally Posted by Schurman
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Make sure you port forwarded PROPERLY! Make sure you have allowed all incoming and outgoing connections in port 7777.

Make sure your firewall isn't blocking 7777.
How do i do that?

Please help me

help please.

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