Advertisers have been coming to my server owners server.

If a server has been advertising on my server, what can I do?

Server IP:
Server Name: Extreme Reality Roleplay
Suspects Server Name: Modern Santos Roleplay
Suspects IP:

Me and my owner have been having problems with them, threatening us that they will hack us, stealing our players.

What's the best thing we can do?

Ban their IP, or make an Anti-Advertisement. The best thing you can do is watch them fail.. If they do DDOS you, or something, try to contact your host or strengthen your firewall.

We are almost out of player's just because of them now though.

Just download an anti advertisment include/fs i know there are some around here.

Try contact the owner of the advertising server and hand over his IP - if it's a decent server, they should ban his account.

Ehm extreem sports?XD Basejumping, Epic matrix/terminator battles, skydiving, illegal races, gangwars, roleplaying the maffia II game storyline.

Back OT:
Ban the ip of the player, isn't that just simpler?

To bad that alexzzpro stopped with lost.
Maybe if someone uses the script to contineu devolep it. That would rock!

You want to RBAN Them, which you can do even when they are not on the server by going into the rcon typing there IP ( banip [ JUST AND EXAMPLE] ) then you want to RBAN is rcon with banip 192.168.*.* ( just and example) that will ban them, if they continue to do so, since Exiled Gaming Server Protection isn't fully up but we have a team, submit a ticket on our website and we'll deal with them our self and situate that they stop or else...

I have to say that players and admins from other community coming into other community advertising makes them look like idiots, kids that play 24/7 on weekend and when weekend end the server is empty.

What I do is /ipban ftw <3

Who even joins a noobish server that advertises? Nobody. its pathetic. Wanna advertise, do it on forums. I do know actually the owner of MS-RP, And im contacting him about this. If this happens to be true info, im sure that he will make sure, that it wont happen ever again.

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