[Unsolved] Roadblock Issues (menu)

This is a filther script i made

#include <a_samp>

new Menu:Menu500;
new Menu:Menu501;
new Menu:Menu502;
new Menu:Menu503;
new Menu:Menu504;

public OnFilterScriptInit()
	Menu500 = CreateMenu("Roadblock",1,10,150,300); //Creates the Menu
    SetMenuColumnHeader(Menu500, 0, "Select a Function"); //Sets the Title Above the Collumn
    AddMenuItem(Menu500,0,"Place"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu500,0,"Remove Set"); //Adds an Item to a Menu

    Menu501 = CreateMenu("Roablock",1,10,150,300); //Creates the Menu
    SetMenuColumnHeader(Menu501, 0, "Select Type"); //Sets the Title Above the Collumn
    AddMenuItem(Menu501,0,"Large (Highway)"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu501,0,"Medium (2-Laned Road)"); //Adds an Item to a Menu

    Menu502 = CreateMenu("Roadblock",1,10,150,300); //Creates the Menu
    SetMenuColumnHeader(Menu502, 0, "Select a set to Delete"); //Sets the Title Above the Collumn
    AddMenuItem(Menu502,0,"Set 1"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu502,0,"Set 2"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu502,0,"Set 3"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu502,0,"Set 4"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu502,0,"Set 5"); //Adds an Item to a Menu

    Menu503 = CreateMenu("Roadblock",1,10,150,300); //Creates the Menu
    SetMenuColumnHeader(Menu503, 0, "Select a set ID"); //Sets the Title Above the Collumn
    AddMenuItem(Menu503,0,"Set 1"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu503,0,"Set 2"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu503,0,"Set 3"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu503,0,"Set 4"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu503,0,"Set 5"); //Adds an Item to a Menu

    Menu504 = CreateMenu("Roadblock",1,10,150,300); //Creates the Menu
    SetMenuColumnHeader(Menu504, 0, "Select a set ID"); //Sets the Title Above the Collumn
    AddMenuItem(Menu504,0,"Set 1"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu504,0,"Set 2"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu504,0,"Set 3"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu504,0,"Set 4"); //Adds an Item to a Menu
    AddMenuItem(Menu504,0,"Set 5"); //Adds an Item to a Menu

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/roadblock", true))	{
    		ShowMenuForPlayer(menu500, playerid);

			return 1;
public OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow(playerid, row)

	     if(Currentmenu == Menu500) // ROAD BLOCK
		    case 0:
   				ShowMenuForPlayer(menu501, playerid);//CREATE

		    case 1:

	            ShowMenuForPlayer(menu502, playerid);//DESTROY


		TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);

	     if(Currentmenu == Menu501)//create
		    case 0:
   				ShowMenuForPlayer(menu503, playerid);//Large

		    case 1:

	            ShowMenuForPlayer(menu504, playerid);//Medium


		TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
	     if(Currentmenu == Menu502) // Delete a Set
		    case 0://set 1
   				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Error");

		    case 1://set 2

	            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Error");

  			 case 2://set 3
   				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Error");

             case 3://set 4
   				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Error");

             case 4://set 5
   				SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Error");


		TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
     if(Currentmenu == Menu503) //medium
	new roadblockONE;
	new roadblockTWO;
	new roadblockTHREE;
	new roadblockFOUR;
	new roadblockFIVE;
		    case 0://set 1
					new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
					GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
					new Float:ang;
					GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ang);

					roadblockONE = CreateObject(978, x, y, z-6, 0, 0, ang+180);
					MoveObject(roadblockONE, x, y, z, 1);

					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Roadblock deployed (set #1)");
		    case 1://set 2
					new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
					GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
					new Float:ang;
					GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ang);

					roadblockTWO = CreateObject(978, x, y, z-6, 0, 0, ang+180);
					MoveObject(roadblockTWO, x, y, z, 1);

					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Roadblock deployed (set #2)");
  			 case 2://set 3
					new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
					GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
					new Float:ang;
					GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ang);

					roadblockTHREE = CreateObject(978, x, y, z-6, 0, 0, ang+180);
					MoveObject(roadblockTHREE, x, y, z, 1);

					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Roadblock deployed (set #3)");
  			 case 3://set 4
					new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
					GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
					new Float:ang;
					GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ang);

					roadblockFOUR = CreateObject(978, x, y, z-6, 0, 0, ang+180);
					MoveObject(roadblockFOUR, x, y, z, 1);

					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Roadblock deployed (set #4)");
 			 case 4://set 5
					new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
					GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
					new Float:ang;
					GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ang);

					roadblockFIVE = CreateObject(978, x, y, z-6, 0, 0, ang+180);
					MoveObject(roadblockFIVE, x, y, z, 1);

					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Roadblock deployed (set #5)");

		TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);

     if(Currentmenu == Menu504) // Medium
	new roadblockONEA;
	new roadblockTWOA;
	new roadblockTHREEA;
	new roadblockFOURA;
	new roadblockFIVEA;
	new roadblockONEB;
	new roadblockTWOB;
	new roadblockTHREEB;
	new roadblockFOURB;
	new roadblockFIVEB;
		    case 0://set 1
					new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
					GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
					new Float:ang;
					GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ang);

					roadblockONEA = CreateObject(978, x, y, z-2.5, 0, 0, ang);
					MoveObject(roadblockONEA, x, y, z, 1);

					roadblockONEB = CreateObject(979, x, y, z-2.5, 0, 0, ang+180);
					MoveObject(roadblockONEB, x, y, z, 1);

					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Roadblock deployed (set #1)");
		    case 1://set 2
					new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
					GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
					new Float:ang;
					GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ang);

					roadblockTWOA = CreateObject(978, x, y, z-2.5, 0, 0, ang);
					MoveObject(roadblockTWOA, x, y, z, 1);

					roadblockTWOB = CreateObject(979, x, y, z-2.5, 0, 0, ang+180);
					MoveObject(roadblockTWOB, x, y, z, 1);

					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Roadblock deployed (set #2)");
  			 case 2://set 3
					new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
					GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
					new Float:ang;
					GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ang);

					roadblockTHREEA = CreateObject(978, x, y, z-2.5, 0, 0, ang);
					MoveObject(roadblockTHREEA, x, y, z, 1);

					roadblockTHREEB = CreateObject(979, x, y, z-2.5, 0, 0, ang+180);
					MoveObject(roadblockTHREEB, x, y, z, 1);

					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Roadblock deployed (set #3)");
  			 case 3://set 4
					new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
					GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
					new Float:ang;
					GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ang);

					roadblockFOURA = CreateObject(978, x, y, z-2.5, 0, 0, ang);
					MoveObject(roadblockFOURA, x, y, z, 1);

					roadblockFOURB = CreateObject(979, x, y, z-2.5, 0, 0, ang+180);
					MoveObject(roadblockFOURB, x, y, z, 1);

					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Roadblock deployed (set #4)");
 			 case 4://set 5
					new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
					GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
					new Float:ang;
					GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, ang);

					roadblockFIVEA = CreateObject(978, x, y, z-2.5, 0, 0, ang);
					MoveObject(roadblockFIVEA, x, y, z, 1);

					roadblockFIVEB = CreateObject(979, x, y, z-2.5, 0, 0, ang+180);
					MoveObject(roadblockFIVEB, x, y, z, 1);

					SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Roadblock deployed (set #5)");

		TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);

	return 0;
i get the errors
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(52) : error 017: undefined symbol "menu500"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(57) : warning 225: unreachable code
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(57) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(57) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(57) : error 004: function "OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow" is not implemented
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(60) : error 017: undefined symbol "Currentmenu"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(62) : error 017: undefined symbol "row"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(66) : error 017: undefined symbol "menu501"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(72) : error 017: undefined symbol "menu502"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(77) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(80) : error 017: undefined symbol "Currentmenu"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(82) : error 017: undefined symbol "row"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(86) : error 017: undefined symbol "menu503"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(92) : error 017: undefined symbol "menu504"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(97) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(99) : error 017: undefined symbol "Currentmenu"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(101) : error 017: undefined symbol "row"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(105) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_WHITE"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(111) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_WHITE"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(116) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_WHITE"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(121) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_WHITE"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(126) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_WHITE"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(131) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(133) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(133) : error 017: undefined symbol "Currentmenu"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(134) : error 003: declaration of a local variable must appear in a compound block
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(134) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(134) : error 017: undefined symbol "roadblockONE"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(134) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(140) : error 017: undefined symbol "row"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(149) : error 017: undefined symbol "roadblockONE"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(150) : error 017: undefined symbol "roadblockONE"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(152) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_GREY"
C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner.150_SERVER\Desktop\1000 SAW MP\filterscripts\menutest.pwn(164) : error 017: undefined symbol "COLOR_GREY"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

26 Errors.
What did i do wrong?


i know, just after i posted it i went back to add it... srry

maybe something missed

or }


pawn Код:
return 1;
return 0;

i dont see anything i missed, its the same as all my other menus... i think...

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