[Ajuda] Warning como resolver?

pawn Код:
C:\Documents and Settings\Wallace\Meus documentos\Pawno 0.3c\include\dutils.inc(45) : warning 219: local variable "hour" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\Wallace\Meus documentos\Pawno 0.3c\include\dutils.inc(45) : warning 219: local variable "minute" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\Wallace\Meus documentos\Pawno 0.3c\include\dutils.inc(45) : warning 219: local variable "second" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\Wallace\Meus documentos\Pawno 0.3c\include\dutils.inc(45) : warning 219: local variable "day" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\Wallace\Meus documentos\Pawno 0.3c\include\dutils.inc(45) : warning 219: local variable "month" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\Wallace\Meus documentos\Pawno 0.3c\include\dutils.inc(45) : warning 219: local variable "year" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Documents and Settings\Wallace\Meus documentos\GM BSG\gamemodes\Gmy.pwn(20311) : warning 219: local variable "mod" shadows a variable at a preceding level
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664          Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size:          11032 bytes
Code size:          2096108 bytes
Data size:          2625596 bytes
Stack/heap size:      16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=4833 cells (19332 bytes)
Total requirements: 4749120 bytes

7 Warnings.
linha 45:
pawn Код:
forward Zones_Update(playerid);
acho que essa linha n tem nada a ver

Olб wallacematheus.

Isto й ocasionado por que vocк jб possui as variaveis com esse mesmo nome, se vocк nгo estiver utilizando-as apenas apague-as onde foi criada (new hour...)
Caso estejam sendo utilizadas troque o nome delas e no local onde for utilizada.


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