[HELP]: Loop Vehicles....

I Create Vehicle Like This
pawn Код:
new grvveh[17];

public OnGameModeInit()
grvveh[0] = AddStaticVehicle(492, 2516.4504, -1672.0762, 13.6931, 72.2359, 86, 1);
grvveh[1] = AddStaticVehicle(492, 2481.4451, -1653.4650, 13.1904, 87.5798, 86, 1);
grvveh[2] = AddStaticVehicle(492, 2464.3401, -1653.4327, 13.1628, 89.2720, 86, 1);
grvveh[3] = AddStaticVehicle(492, 2468.4194, -1671.1329, 13.1786, 11.1060, 86, 1);
grvveh[4] = AddStaticVehicle(567, 2443.3201, -1637.1705, 13.2887, 179.3950,86, 1);
grvveh[5] = AddStaticVehicle(567, 2502.6313, -1655.8003, 13.3423, 55.7510, 86, 1);
grvveh[6] = AddStaticVehicle(412, 2473.5659, -1699.5106, 13.3577, 358.0829, 86, 1);
grvveh[7] = AddStaticVehicle(412, 2507.0671, -1678.0389, 13.2973, 321.8322, 86, 1);
grvveh[8] = AddStaticVehicle(411, 2507.2588, -1695.2462, 13.2819, 0.5384, 86, 1);
grvveh[9] = AddStaticVehicle(522, 2503.9585, -1693.7311, 13.1296, 0.8915, 86, 1);
grvveh[10] = AddStaticVehicle(489, 2424.3955,-1678.1277,13.8818, 359.8113, 86, 1);
grvveh[11] = AddStaticVehicle(489, 2428.3557, -1678.1304, 13.8870, 0.0011, 86, 1);
grvveh[12] = AddStaticVehicle(489, 2432.5710, -1678.1218, 13.8887, 359.8433, 86, 1);
grvveh[13] = AddStaticVehicle(489, 2436.5105, -1678.1257, 13.8850, 0.3565, 86, 1);
grvveh[14] = AddStaticVehicle(581, 2421.5408, -1682.2147, 13.3823, 3.0565, 86, 1);
grvveh[15] = AddStaticVehicle(581, 2421.8484, -1687.8345, 13.3905, 2.9659, 86, 1);
grvveh[16] = AddStaticVehicle(468, 2527.5022, -1664.9052, 14.8360, 87.0986, 86, 1);
return 1;
How Can I Loop So I Can Do

pawn Код:
if(IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, grvveh);

pawn Код:
if(IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, grvveh);
    for(new loop; loop != 9999; loop++)
         print("Loop working");
And write more info about problem because i dont understand your problem.

Insteed Of This
pawn Код:
if(IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, grvveh[0] || IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, grvveh[1] || IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, grvveh[2]);

pawn Код:
if(IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, grvveh[allvehicles]))

Get It?
Can Be Made?

Advise Thanks

pawn Код:
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(grvveh); ++i)
    if(IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, grvveh[i]))
        // The player is in one of those vehicles: grvveh[0] through grvveh[16]


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