Teh best admin system

What is the best admin system? More commands, the better. Right now I'm using LuxAdmin. Is there any admin script out there that is better/cooler?

My own admin script is better and cooler
But I haven't released it yet.. Maybe I will, soon..

Originally Posted by [SFA]SpiRRiT
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My own admin script is better and cooler
But I haven't released it yet.. Maybe I will, soon..
O yeah? Just another LuxAdmin edit? Just like most of the released ones are?

Originally Posted by Zh3r0
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O yeah? Just another LuxAdmin edit? Just like most of the released ones are?
Why you think I'd copy paste LuxAdmin.. I got my own.. SpirritsAdministrationSystem
I'm not a person who violates the rules.. I'm not like everyone else, (like you say)..

Originally Posted by [SFA]SpiRRiT
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Why you think I'd copy paste LuxAdmin.. I got my own.. SpirritsAdministrationSystem
I'm not a person who violates the rules.. I'm not like everyone else, (like you say)..
Yo! That's the best one fo' sho' !

Show me some code so I can trust your sayings.

I'd personally recommend lAdmin ( but links are broken ), so LuxAdmin or something.

You can also use HidMin for MySQL.

The best I've seen is ALAR.

The admin system you make is the best because then you can make it as you want!

I have only tested Ladmin and i think it is good enough, but as Mean said, Links are broken

Teh best admin system is teh one u create your self

Originally Posted by Zh3r0
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Yo! That's the best one fo' sho' !

Show me some code so I can trust your sayings.
No, you'll see it when I'll release it..

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