Player Score scripting

I have 2 questions: When I put in my script setplayerscore if I put +0.1 score will work??
And how can I make saving for players' score?

pawn Код:
SetPlayerScore ( playerid , GetPlayerScore ( playerid ) +1 ) ;

Originally Posted by AK47317
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pawn Код:
SetPlayerScore ( playerid , GetPlayerScore ( playerid ) +1 ) ;
Can do +0.1 ? No +1

You can only use integers in player's score

As [NoV]LaZ said, you can only use integers (which are whole numbers) in SetPlayerScore.

What you wanted to do was add 0.1, which isn't a whole number, it's a number with a decimal point, which in PAWN is a Float.

You should also note that most SA-MP functions only accept integers.

I have a job that player must collect checkpoints to complite the job and I want to add setplayerscore in the past checkpoint, but the problem is that I want the players to get +1 score when they complete the job 10 times, how to do this? :/

Originally Posted by Panormitis
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I have a job that player must collect checkpoints to complite the job and I want to add setplayerscore in the past checkpoint, but the problem is that I want the players to get +1 score when they complete the job 10 times, how to do this? :/
Did you understand what i mean? :/

pawn Код:
SetPlayerScore(playerid, (GetPlayerScore(playerid) + 1));
Add that when the player finishes his jobs.

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