help, allow menu to scroll insted of doing 50 pages?

hello im doing gui menu and how can i allow the menu to scroll? when i input couple of lines the map wont compile becuase of dialog too long, but i saw on a server this: /imageshack/img263/9291/guii.png so how can i do that? thx

pawn Код:
strcat(string,"/help\n/cmds\n/teles\netc");//Just put the commands then a new line. Like /help\n\cmds
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,dialogid,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Choose one of the following",string,"Select","Cancel");
You will need a string the with a large array size of that like
pawn Код:
new string[210];
What strcat does is to combine strings, that is how i understand it so with a large enough string and strcat you can do that. Sorry I could not explain more, I am on a hurry.

\n = new line.

Strcat You can make large welcome notes with it also.

thx fixed

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