Movable Object

Hey guys/scripters ,can you script something to me,because i need help

Okay,you will see picture and look in fight ring,that needs to goes slowly UP and to stop at this position:

<object id="object (a_vgsGymBoxa) (1)" doublesided="false" model="14791" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="-2042.615234375" posY="-147.52728271484" posZ="90.86026763916" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0" />

Okay,than needs to go slowly down at this position:

<object id="object (a_vgsGymBoxa) (1)" doublesided="false" model="14791" interior="0" dimension="0" posX="-2042.615234375" posY="-147.52728271484" posZ="90.86026763916" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0" />

and when that is on the ground/down it needs to stay about 10 seconds,and that again to go UP slowly

I didn't converted positions,because you maybe need rotY,x,and z

If someone can do it,thanks to him cause i need it

Well I did it for you lol You may have to do some stuff to it like change timer seconds and such... and speed and you gave the same coord twice, so you may have to change the function MoveFightRingstep2() z axis, the 80.0 to whatever the z is.
pawn Код:
public MoveFightRingstep1()
      MoveDynamicObject(fight_ring, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 90.86026763916, 3.5);//3.5 = speed of movement
      return 1;
public MoveFightRingstep2()
      MoveDynamicObject(fight_ring, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 80.0, 3.5);//3.5 = speed of movement
      return 1;
public OnGameModeInit()
        SetTimer("MoveFightRingstep2", 20000, 1);//20000=20seconds 1=loop
    SetTimer("MoveFightRingstep1", 60000, 1);//60000=1 min 1=loop
        fight_ring = CreateDynamicObject(14791, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 90.86026763916,   0.00, 0.00, 0); // createfightring variable

I did it,and nothing happens,there is no object

Are you using a streamer?


You mean on streamer plugin? No

pawn Код:
public MoveFightRingstep1()
      MoveObject(fight_ring, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 90.86026763916, 3.5);//3.5 = speed of movement
      return 1;
public MoveFightRingstep2()
      MoveObject(fight_ring, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 80.0, 3.5);//3.5 = speed of movement
      return 1;
public OnGameModeInit()
        SetTimer("MoveFightRingstep2", 20000, 1);//20000=20seconds 1=loop
        SetTimer("MoveFightRingstep1", 60000, 1);//60000=1 min 1=loop
        fight_ring = CreateObject(14791, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 90.86026763916,   0.00, 0.00, 0); //createfightring variable
       return 1;

I am put another two objects,you know,crane ans stairs,fight ring is not in my GM

#include <a_samp>

#if defined FILTERSCRIPT

public MoveFightRingstep1()
      MoveObject(fight_ring, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 90.86026763916, 3.5);//3.5 = speed of movement
      return 1;
public MoveFightRingstep2()
      MoveObject(fight_ring, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 80.0, 3.5);//3.5 = speed of movement
      return 1;
public OnGameModeInit()
        SetTimer("MoveFightRingstep2", 20000, 1);//20000=20seconds 1=loop
    SetTimer("MoveFightRingstep1", 60000, 1);//60000=1 min 1=loop
        fight_ring = CreateObject(14791, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 90.86026763916,   0.00, 0.00, 0); // createfightring variable
This is my FS

well if your using a filterscript change public OnGameModeInit() to public OnFilterScriptInit()
as so

pawn Код:
public OnFilterScriptInit()
        SetTimer("MoveFightRingstep2", 20000, 1);//20000=20seconds 1=loop
        SetTimer("MoveFightRingstep1", 60000, 1);//60000=1 min 1=loop
        fight_ring = CreateObject(14791, -2042.615234375, -147.52728271484, 90.86026763916,   0.00, 0.00, 0); // createfightring variable
        return 1;

Holy crap,there is nothing,i'm getting mad...damn

Whats the server IP?

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