Add my stuff to a server

hey, I finally found some great things for my roleplaying server wich I'm developing now for 9 years now, (and the progress didnt go up for like 10%) so I searched in a really old but awesome server; PENLS. Now, I got some items, but when I try to add them, my pawno crashes, can someone add those things to a gamemode and give it to me? thanks.

What type of code is it supposed to be? SA-MP only supports PAWN.

P.S: No shit you've been developing it for 9 years, back then Vice City was barely released.

LOL. It was a typo, LOOOL. I ment 9 months.
EDIT: Its a SAMP roleplaying server, so I guess .pwn? Its made with .pwn, but contains the items that I want in my server. I can't install it on my own because my pawno crashes.

9 years O_o

Please get on-topic, it was a simple typo.

Please, someone.


Bump it faster, maybe you will get more views then lol.

Compiler crashes are missing/misplaced brackets most of the times. Remove the } directly after OnPlayerText and put all the commands in OnPlayerCommandText and the compiler wont crash anymore, just some errors left.

Thanks for the tip, going to try it right now.

Didnt work, can someone do it for me?

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