04.04.2011, 12:55
71th Route drift map by me=) he got a new design style : )
Coordonates: 2883 7418 42
Poze: /imageshack/i/mtascr...403115641.png/
Galery: /imageshack/g/mtascr...403115641.png/
Download: http://solidfiles.com/d/9a2d/
I hope you like the map=) i posted 71 route early because 70 is still in progres (is 40%)
Coordonates: 2883 7418 42
Poze: /imageshack/i/mtascr...403115641.png/
Galery: /imageshack/g/mtascr...403115641.png/
Download: http://solidfiles.com/d/9a2d/
I hope you like the map=) i posted 71 route early because 70 is still in progres (is 40%)