Dynamic Faction

I want a dynamic faction system like a plugin so you can do /buyfamily if you have 5 mil and then it will make you a family.

Familys can have cars HQs and Capture points. IF someone could do that for me that would be great

Command list

/adjust HQ /adjust HQ Confirm /adjust carspawn /adjust carspawn confirm /adjust car ect...
and such...
Thank you

All depends on your saving system, How are you saving the faction?///////////

According to most of the content on this site. You might want to use MySQL for more security of the data you are saving in your scripts. So if your not using it already you should read up on it as much as you can and then look for a Faction System that suits your needs. Or alternatively you can learn most of the scripting functions and how they work on the SAMP WIKI. Then you can create your own system, or maybe you will get lucky and find someone who will make you one....

Originally Posted by RPer
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According to most of the content on this site. You might want to use MySQL for more security of the data you are saving in your scripts. So if your not using it already you should read up on it as much as you can and then look for a Faction System that suits your needs. Or alternatively you can learn most of the scripting functions and how they work on the SAMP WIKI. Then you can create your own system, or maybe you will get lucky and find someone who will make you one....
mySQL might be hard for him to learn since he seems new, Experiment with Dini/yini/djson.

They are all quite easy to use
heres some details

Edit of a Ini system by DracoBlue. Outdated now, but people use it for minior saving purposes.
Edit of dini by Y_Less, Fast, Easy to use. And is great for Big file saving/transfering.
Fast, abit hard to learn but easy, and is also great for Huge saving/transfering.

It's all up to you, Your choice, Pick up, experiment, and we will help all we can.

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