Float value problem.

With this code:
pawn Код:
printf("%f | %f | %f | %f | %f | %f",10.1,20.1,30.1,40.1,50.1,60.1);
I have this result:
10.100000 | 20.100000 | 30.100000 | 40.099998 | 50.099998 | 60.099998
Only first three values are correct. What's wrong with other?

sa-mp is rounding these floats... it does it many floats.... just try to enter "30.1000" and it will work better I guess..
or try floatround

Thanks for answer.
If I enter "30.10000", "40.100000" and so on, it will not help. I already tried it.
And these numbers are some kind of player's stats, so I need to show it as float, not integer, so floatround will not help here.

Well actually that IS correct, but if you're looking to trim it down to only one decimal place you have to specify that within printf.

instead of "%f" try "%.1f" and let me know if thats what you're looking for (i may have misunderstood the issue).

Yes, i know, that it IS correct, but it doesn't work properly, hehe. Also, i know that %.1f will show only 1 digit as the fractional part.
pawn Код:
printf("%.1f | %.1f | %.1f | %.1f | %.1f | %.1f",10.1,20.1,30.1,40.1,50.1,60.1);
10.1 | 20.1 | 30.1 | 40.0 | 50.0 | 60.0
The problem is that in this code
pawn Код:
new Float: f1 = 40.1;
Variable f1 should store 40.1, but it stores 40.099998 !!!

Another example:
pawn Код:
The result is:
But it is works fine with 30.1:
pawn Код:
The result is:
I hope you get my problem now.

Why do you need it to be EXACT? I cant think of a single time where that small of a different would affect anything really. I honestly dont know what i can do to help / what you expect :\ sorry.

Believe me, i have a code, which is doesn't work properly because of this inaccuracy. Otherwise i'd not have started this topic

Just another example:
pawn Код:
// SomeStats[playerid] = 40.0
new str[32];
format(str,sizeof(str),"Your xxx is %.1f !",SomeStats[playerid]);   // "Your xxx is 40.0 !"


//Now SomeStats[playerid] = 40.1
new str[32];
format(str,sizeof(str),"Your xxx is %.1f !",SomeStats[playerid]);   // It will still show "Your xxx is 40.0 !"

Originally Posted by Norck
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Believe me, i have a code, which is doesn't work properly because of this inaccuracy. Otherwise i'd not have started this topic

Just another example:
pawn Код:
// SomeStats[playerid] = 40.0
new str[32];
format(str,sizeof(str),"Your xxx is %.1f !",SomeStats[playerid]);   // "Your xxx is 40.0 !"


//Now SomeStats[playerid] = 40.1
new str[32];
format(str,sizeof(str),"Your xxx is %.1f !",SomeStats[playerid]);   // It will still show "Your xxx is 40.0 !"
AFAIK there's nothing we can do about it not being SUPER precise (im sure there's a reason...i dont think its just a "derp", that would be a big fail). If you post the code that doesnt work due to this inaccuracies THEN we can do something (and i mean physically doesnt work, not printing a value that is slightly off).

Other than that, your kind of screwed unless someone else in this community has an answer and fix for you. Either way, i wish you luck and hope you get an answer!

I just wondering: why it's work fine with 10.1, 20.1, 30.1 and doesn't work with 40.1, 50.1 and above.
Thanks anyway.

Thank you very much. This is really useful information for me, now i know how is floats looks like in the binary representation.
But i still don't get this: why 30.1 shows correctly and 40.1 is not?
So with 16 bits:
30.1 = 0b00011110 00011001
40.1 = 0b00101000 00011001
There is the same fractional part: 0.1, so the only difference is in the first octet.

So it's seems like the integer part of a float affects on the output format of the fraction part? But why?

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