TextDraw limit

May I ask, why is the text draw limit so small?
If i create 3 progress bars for every player(when 200 players are max), the limit will almost be reached!
3x3x200= 1800 out of 2048

Either I'm stupid... or very intellectually capable why do you need to include max players in a string? If you create 3 progress bars for each player, 2048 would be the limit for each progress bar..

It all depends on what this bar is necessary. There may be a static text and dynamic.

And, https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Limits

Yeah, every player has his own progress bar, you can't use the same for many people.
Anyway, i think there could be a stupid way to go around
Use one bar, set it's value for the player and update it for the player!

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