11.03.2011, 23:42
I am trying to make a small fire script. I created the objects and I want it so that if the person is aiming at the fire with a fire extinguisher the object deletes. I am using fire objects instead of a normal fire because I want it to stay there and sync.
This is what I am trying but its very wrong, please help:
I am trying to make a small fire script. I created the objects and I want it so that if the person is aiming at the fire with a fire extinguisher the object deletes. I am using fire objects instead of a normal fire because I want it to stay there and sync.
This is what I am trying but its very wrong, please help:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) { If(GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, firex, firey, firez) && weaponid == 42) { DeleteObject(18691); DeleteObject(18692); DeleteObject(18691); DeleteObject(18692); DeleteObject(18691); DeleteObject(18692); } }