[GameMode] MINI-DM by Ricardo_Manuel

Hello guys.... This is just a really litle DM... This can be used just like a map for a dm server too, i taked 20 minuts with it... Haven't nothing to do Just 1 more stupid script

Here it is:

Not bad for first script!

Isn't the first but look like a 5 years old guys script I really don't have nothing to do today so i did this.... 15 minutes to make the map, and 3 to take all pics and upload and 2 to script it.... Just seted spawn position, heal, armour and weapons... Nothing more! This is good for example for the css samp server like map....

Btw thanks!

Nada mau para primeiro script! І

Nice 3/5

Good job!

Thanks, mybe i add more functions like Register/leveling sistem, and weapons shop dialogs and this stuff.... And mybe more maps if i have time!

lol nice for a first GM ricardo :P
But I suggest you to give score to the one that kills someone, in "OnPlayerDeath".

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
    SetPlayerScore(killerid, GetPlayerScore(killerid)+1); //+1 score for the killer
    GivePlayerMoney(killerid, 500); //Gives 500 bucks to the killer
    if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -500); //Remove 500 dollar from the one that died
    return 1;

Blank gamemode with objects and weapons.

Yeah Kwarde, i will add it... I am feeling to script again, i think i gonna continue this "blank gamemode" like Mean say...

However thanks!

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