Using/Not using


I've a trouble. I don't know how to make something like.. hm.. When player have something ON he can turn it off in gui with only one line.. i mean..

Toggle clock on. - When off.
Toggle clock off. - When on.

In one line gui. When player turns off the line of gui (one line not two) changing to vice versa.

I think.. you should know what i mean :d

Top of script
A command which i think will be good for you, If your using ZCMD, let me know i'll make it for that.

	if(strcmp(cmd, "/togtime", true) == 0)
			if (!TIME[playerid])
				TIME[playerid] = 1;
				SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x006FDD96, "INFO: Time has been disabled.");
				// Your function here, to disable the clock.
			else if (TIME[playerid])
				TIME[playerid] = 0;
				SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x006FDD96, "INFO: Time has been enabled.");
				// Your function here, to enable the clock.
		return 1;

No! I mean.. update Gui dialog and change one line. One line is for On/Off clock.

if(use)status = "Turn off";
else status ="Turn on";

But i don't know how to do that.

So you mean like this for example:

pawn Код:
new string[65];
if(ClockOn[playerid]) format(string, sizeof(string), "1. Other Option\r\n2. Turn clock off\r\n3. Other Option");
else format(string, sizeof(string), "1. Other Option\r\n2. Turn clock on\r\n3. Other Option");

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Title", string, "Select", "Cancel");

Okey but.. what about a second.. TextDraw hide? i wan't in the one gui list.

Try asking in the poland sections for now on

Polish guy's don't know how to scripting

What i need:

When the player won't to see a TextDraw he'll type a command /td. And now will be show Gui if player have Textdraw1 showed he'll have an option:

Textdraw1 Turn off\nTextdraw2 Turn off (if both of these two textdraws will be on) one textdraw in one line. Options will be update when the player off or on the option.

Textdraw1 Turn off -> player pressing Select and Textdraw1 string changing to Textdraw1 Turn on. I think all of you'll knew what i need.

Lol.. sorry for Double..

Somebody please help me. *Bump*



Read a screen. I need this, please someone help me :/

But in the one dialog i need too hide/show another textdraws. Like panoramic screen.

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