for: SA-MP 0.3+ (Character not allowed info)

Ok, Tried to search forums ( like always ) and didn't get any info about this.

Trying to figure out what Characters aren't allowed in sa-mp as in for names.

Where you get that denied connection thing, anyone knows the link or info about it?


join a server with {~} and it'll tell you what is/isn't allowed

! i was hoping it was some where in this forum, but ok . i guess i'll get the info that way and post here.
useless reply for a useless response


Well... (sighs) your suggestion didn't work Cessil.
Just says use a to z and minor stuff, doesn't give me full details, no where in the rejected connection says anything about [ ] or ( ) or dots.
Does any know if there is a post about this already or someone could help me out with invalid characters for names?

I know you guys like to help, BUT IF YOU DO NOT KNOW, DO NOT REPLY!

20 chars are allowed, only these chars:

A to Z
a to z
0 to 9

pretty sure : works too

Originally Posted by cessil
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pretty sure : works too
Yepp, it does. I've seen plenty of users use stuff like ..:NAMEHERE:.. in their names.

: , really? and i know: - IS NOT allowed but underscore ( _ ) is right?

Underscore is allowed, yes.

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