
Hello, I've got a question.
When there are 5-10 people I don't lag, but when I got 25-30, sometimes I see others lagging and my chat also lags.
I asked people in the server do they lag, and 80% said that they do.
It wasn't lagging when I was on 0.3b
What could cause this lag?
Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance.

in 0.3c there are many thing's update which takes up your ping. I also got that same problem. But after replacing everything in streamer, it's fixed

Sorry if i'm asking the obvious but, Do you have alot of stuff in "OnPlayerUpdate" or many repeating timers with alot of stuff in them (eg, vehicleloops, rangechecks ect) ?

No, I have 5-10 lines in OnPlayerUpdate.
I've got one timer which respawns all vehicles every minute. I also have another timer which saves the players's stats every 3 seconds.
Maybe that's the problem?

The timer that saves the stats every 3 seconds is the culprit i'd say (if you mean saving to a file/database). Why not once every couple of mins? worst that could happen if server crashes is a couple of minutes of data is lost.

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