Clan invitations

Im thinking that i could make a new GM for a new server i am buying and make it for a sa-mp S.W.A.T clan but before i can make this successful i would need people to join this is the format if u wanna join Please join, accepting anyone atm.

In Game Name:
Short bio (At least 20 words):
Vehicle ( your favourite):
Have you had any experience? Give examples!:
^^ that is the format... Make sure you write Grammatical and stuff so that i can ACCEPT instead of

This is my example.

In Game Name: [G2x]BigAl
Codename: X-Ray
CodeID: X15
Short bio (At least 20 words): I am 13 years of age and i am a loyal part of the sa-mp community. I am a highly trained driver so i would be the man for the High Speed Persuits.
Vehicle ( your favourite): FBI rancher and the maverick.
Have you had any experience? Give examples!: I have had experience but not as a SWAT member, an FBI member. I am also very trained in weapons and tactics, so i will be also very good in that area.

BUMP!!! need people...

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