[Include] vehParams-Fixer [MINI-INC]

VehParams Fixer

What-is-this again ?!

You know, there was a new Callback with 0.3b, wich's called "OnVehicleStreamIn", and since 0.3b, some Newbies can't fix their own Car-Lock Systems.
This Mini-Include was built for the ServerOwner from the Server i play sometimes.
When i say to the ServerOwner "I could fix it, if you can't do it", i become this answer everytime: "I don't need stupid guys, i can do it alone !", and he answers with this since 0.3b.
He says that he can do it, but he CAN'T, and this include is for him, but i thought, everybody should use it, so i released it.
Like i said in the Titel, it's a Mini-Include for NEWBIES, wich can't 'fix' their Vehicle-System.

AND, there is a new Function coming with this Include, called "SetVehicleParamsForAll".
I don't know, if anybody uses this, but i thought it could be useful for 2 or 3 peoples.

Open the vp_fix.inc Include, delete the '//' (commentar characters), wich are in the BACK of "
#define PLUG_n_PLAY" definition.
Then, write
#include vp_fix into your Script (to the TOP).
Compile and play.

Show vp_fix.inc - pastebin.com

Download VehParams_Fix_by_FoxHound.rar - SolidFiles
Download VehParams_Fix_by_FoxHound.rar - SendSpace

Like i said, this Include is for Newbies, who can't fix their Vehicle-Params Function.

[FX]FoxHound aka PSPgamer_10

Wow! another great release! Good job bro

Wow ! Good !


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