Few questions regarding plugins

Hello all,

I am second year Software Engineering student, and me and some friends from college started developping a GTA SA-MP server, for fun. However, PAWN is rather easy and not very neat in my humble opinion. As we study C++ on school, and most of us are very in the Object Orientated part of programming I have some questions regarding developping GTA server.

We noticed that trough plug-in development you are able to develop in C/C++. However, we had some questions regarding the performance.

1. the performance of your server be better if you develop the server in C/C++ as a plug-in?

Second of all, is it possible to develop a gamemode in a plugin at all. I've searched the forum, and I got some clues confirming this question, but I am not quite sure yet, because I saw some functions actually calling the PAWN command... That seems the other way around for me.

2. Is it possible to develop a gamemode through a plugin at all?

And last but not least, is it possible to develop a clean OO gamemode. Ofcourse it doesn't have to be a 100% OO, but is it possible to achieve a 80 - 90% OO rate?

3. Is it possible to achieve 80 to 90% of Object Orientated, when developping a gamemode in a plug-in?

I hope the questions are clear, I've searched the forums for some answers, and as stated before, I found some answer directing towards an answer, but I never got it a 100% clear.

Kind regards,


1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Probably yes.

Here are my thoughs, but I still recommend to wait for an answer of a more experienced user or the SA:MP Developing team.

1. I think so.
2. Yes it's completely possible.
3. Should be.

2. http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.ph...hlight=wrapper take a look at that

Originally Posted by ******
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awesome course choice btw
my teachers tell me the same thing for me to follow the course,
cause im nacional champion of football robots here in portugal but the code is called
"basic", its a basic code, so.... the coding are diferente but for another
way my dad owns a infor. shop so....
mabe gunna follow it

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