Whirlpool hash with dialog login

I'm having an issue with my login system using Whirlpool. I am using y_ini for the filesystem. I had the login system print the hashed value in the console and it matches what is written in the user file, but when it tries to compare them, it fails and won't allow the user to login.

Basically, here is how it works.

pawn Код:
//dialog asking for password
new buf[145];
WP_Hash(buf, sizeof(buf), inputtext);
LoginPlayer(playerid, buf);

public LoginPlayer(playerid, password[])
printf(%s, password);
if(!strcmp(PlayerInfo[playerid][pKey], password, false))
//rest of login script
Of course that is greatly abbreviated but hopefully someone can spot the error from what is posted. Like I said, the value printed matches the hashed value in the user file, but somewhere in there something gets messed up.

* bump *

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