ApplyAnimation freeze problem :(

pawn Код:
ApplyAnimation(playerid, animlib[], animname[], Float:fDelta, loop, lockx, locky, freeze, time, forcesync)
I have the next Animation:
pawn Код:
"PED", // animlib
"GUN_STAND", // animname
4.1, // fDelta
0, // loop
1, // lockX
1, // lockY
1, // freeze
1, // time
1); // forcesync
After the animation finishes, the player remain blocked in that animation: /imageshack/img214/7668/badx.png

But if i set freeze to 0, the animation wouldn't be applyed, the player only moves a bit the hands, and that's all ...
How can I do like when the animation finishes, the player to don't be blocked ?

After the animation finish,

I think with some animations you have to use 'ClearAnimations' or it won't stop. (not %100 sure but i think so)

Nope, if i use freeze = 1, ClearAnimations() won't work

You could use this:
pawn Код:
// at the top
forward StopAnimation();
// When the player use the animation (Command or something like that)
ApplyAnimation(playerid,"PED", "GUN_STAND",4.1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
SetTimer("StopAnimation",5000,0); // Change the interval (5000) to the animation's during time...
// at the bottom
public StopAnimation(playerid)
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
Sorry for my bad english, good luck.
Grettings from Argentina

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