Veh Id Question


I forgot one of the most basic things I ever learnt. How to get a specific Vehicle ID.

So if I was to make a vehicle lock system, I can lock a specific vehicle. Not the Model, The actually vehicle.

Say Vehicle 15 in the script is a Police Mavrick. I forgot how to tell the script to lock that specific vehicle ID...

Can someone refresh my memory please.

pawn Код:
new pol_maverick;

pol_maverick = CreateVehicle(lalalalala)

SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(playerid, pol_maverick, blabla)
Did that help :P

Note, I'm not sure how to use the VehicleParams thing, but. Well.

Originally Posted by CrucixTM
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pawn Код:
new pol_maverick;

pol_maverick = CreateVehicle(lalalalala)

SetVehicleParamsForPlayer(playerid, pol_maverick, blabla)
Did that help :P

Note, I'm not sure how to use the VehicleParams thing, but. Well.
Sort of..

I was thinking of something like

if(vehicleid[playerid] == 15)

Idc if it doesn't look good along as it gives the general Idea its all good.

Well, you can make a var. to store if the player has one vehicle locked.
so do
pawn Код:
new PlayerVehicleLocked[MAX_PLAYERS];
So, when you want to use it, you can do as you did
pawn Код:
if(PlayerVehicleLocked[playerid] == 15)

lemme give you a command /oldcar

it's the most simplest way to find a vehicle id


if(strcmp(cmd, "/oldcar", true) == 0)
new string[35];
format(string, sizeof(string), "Your old car was: %d",LastVehicle[playerid]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ORANGE, string);
return 1;

but you need to have/create the function named LastVehicle
If you don't have it,lemme do it for you


new LastVehicle[MAX_PLAYERS];

under OnPlayerEnterVehicle

LastVehicle[playerid] = vehicleid;


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