Accelerating Objects

Im making a script of a moving ship. To make the movement more realistic im trying to accelerate the ship when it starts moving. Im using this code:

public MoveShip(Float:speed) {
  for (new obj = 0; obj < shiptot; obj ++) {
    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
    GetObjectPos(obj, x, y, z);
    MoveObject(obj, x - 1000, y, z, speed);
  if (speed >= maxspeed) return 1;
  SetTimerEx("MoveShip", 500, 0, "f", speed + 0.2);
  return 1;

new shiptot = 0;

for (new obj = 0; obj < 100; obj++) {
  if (IsValidObject(obj)) shiptot ++;

if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/move", true)) {
  return 1;
The ship does accelerate, BUT, it does it lagging. The objects of the ship (only 6 atm) rapidly move forward/backward and it's very annoying, then when the ship get to max speed it's all right. But the accelerating process is laggy.

So I tought "maybe a 500 ms timer is too fast", so I put 5 SECONDS timer, the problem doesn't go away. I tryed to change the + 0.2 value to a micro value and to a big value, objects still lag.

So I tough "maybe the for is making this lag", so I removed the for and tryied with only one object. It was still lagging. I tryied to put 5 seconds timer, change the + 0.2 value and using it with only 1 object. Still lagging. The objects rapidly move forward and backward and it's horrible to see.

Objects lag also when the ship decelerates, I won't post the code as it's almost exactly the same as the accelerating one.

This is a filterscript, objects are 6, I am not using a streamer, and maxspeed value is 3.0

How to solve this lagging issue? Thanks.

omg un messaggio dal 2006 xD

You should consider using vectors for the movements

I actually have two accounts, the other one is Rlz_Skiaffo where I have 3 messages. I registered it because I didn't remember this account password. Now I didn't remember Rlz_Skiaffo's password and I do remember this one again.

So I have a total of 4 messages (five with this one), but yea, I never asked for help, I always found what I needed. Now I do need help.


You should consider using vectors for the movements

Can you please be more specific in what you mean and make me short examples? thanks.

I managed to ALMOST solve the problem. Now the objects seems to go ok, but the player is "slipping" a bit onto the objects when they accelerate and decelerate. I don't think there's much to do about it, I believe it's just a SA-MP problem. I hope im wrong, if you know how to solve this or if you just have another method to accelerate objects please tell me. Here's my actual code:

#define stopped 0
#define moving 1
#define accelerating 2
#define decelerating 3

new Float:maxspeed = 6.0;
new shiptot = 0;
new shipstatus = stopped;
new Float:speed = 0.0;
for (new obj = 0; obj < 100; obj++) {
   if (IsValidObject(obj)) shiptot ++;
if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/move", true)) {
  if (shipstatus == stopped) {
    shipstatus = accelerating;
  return 1;

if (!strcmp(cmdtext, "/stop", true)) {
  if (shipstatus == moving) {
    shipstatus = decelerating;
  return 1;
stock MoveShip() {
  for (new obj = 0; obj < shiptot; obj ++) {
    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
    GetObjectPos(obj, x, y, z);
    MoveObject(obj, x - 0.2, y, z, 0.2);
} }

stock StopShip() {
  for (new obj = 0; obj < shiptot; obj ++) {
    new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
    GetObjectPos(obj, x, y, z);
    MoveObject(obj, x - 0.2, y, z, speed - 0.2);
} }
public OnObjectMoved(objectid) {
  new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
  GetObjectPos(objectid, x, y, z);
  switch (shipstatus) {
    case accelerating: {
      if (speed >= maxspeed - 0.2) {
        speed = maxspeed - 0.001;
        MoveObject(objectid, x - 2000, y, z, speed);
        if (objectid == shiptot - 1) shipstatus = moving;
        return 1;
      MoveObject(objectid, x - speed, y, z, speed);
      if (objectid == shiptot - 1) speed += 0.2;
    case decelerating: {
      MoveObject(objectid, x - speed, y, z, speed);
      if (objectid == shiptot - 1) speed -= 0.2;
      if (speed <= 0.2) shipstatus = stopped, speed = 0.0;
  } }
  return 1;

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