24.09.2010, 18:21
I wish if u can to explain me how can i script the flollowing ideeas :
1. an player to be afk max 30 min, after 30 min to get kick automatic
2. I wish the commands /afk , /afklist, / back , but if the player is tipeing /afk to don`t get a kick , so if he tipe`s /afk to be afk how much he want`s/
3. I wish to know whi it doesen`t work the /unrentcar command at the rentcars ,when u tipe /unrentcar it sais to you " Server Unknown Command " same story to /lock ...
PS : Sorry for my bad english.
1. an player to be afk max 30 min, after 30 min to get kick automatic
2. I wish the commands /afk , /afklist, / back , but if the player is tipeing /afk to don`t get a kick , so if he tipe`s /afk to be afk how much he want`s/
3. I wish to know whi it doesen`t work the /unrentcar command at the rentcars ,when u tipe /unrentcar it sais to you " Server Unknown Command " same story to /lock ...
PS : Sorry for my bad english.