memcpy and 3dtext conflict?

So i make new system but it not work
pawn Код:
mysql_fetch_field("NR",data);cinf[idx][cnr] = strval(data);
memcpy(cinf[idx][cnr],data, 0, 256, 256);
print(cinf[idx][cnr]]); // 123
mysql_fetch_field("plate",data);cinf[idx][cplate] = strval(data);
memcpy(cinf[idx][cplate],data, 0, 256, 256);
print(cinf[idx][cplate); // AAA
carnr[idx] = Create3DTextLabel(cinf[idx][cnr],0x008080FF,0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, -1, 1); //<- How that CAN be 1AAA???

Can you explain what doesnt work?

3Dtext not work all others seams work(checks[print] echo right thing)

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