20.08.2010, 20:34
I'm using a car filterscript and inside of the filterscript, this is the /park command.
When the /park command is typed, it says it saved the car's position. But when the car blows up or you relog, the car isn't there nor is it at the car dealership. I need help to fix this portion of the code up so it saves the when it blows up or the player relogs and they can find it where they last /park'ed it.
else if (strcmp("/park", cmd, true, 10) == 0) { if (IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid,Carlist[playerid][Carid])) { GetVehiclePos(Carlist[playerid][Carid],Carlist[playerid][X],Carlist[playerid][Y],Carlist[playerid][Z]); GetVehicleZAngle(Carlist[playerid][Carid],Carlist[playerid][Rotation]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "Saved car position!"); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "That is not your car!"); } return 1; }