setplayerpos question

hi, can someone help me to get a good cordinate program or a other tool te get the cords

<8 character message>

While in-game write:

1./save (comment if you like)
2. Open up savedpositions.txt if 0.3b it will be in GTA User Files, if 0.3a it will be in your GTA San Andreas directory.
3. You'll see a line (If on-foot will be: AddPlayerClass(..., if in-vehicle will be: AddStaticVehicle
4. EX: AddPlayerClass(xx,number1s,numbers2,numbers3,numbe rs4,..........);
5. Numbers1,numbers2,numbers3 equals to X,Y,Z co-ordinates so take them and add to your script: SetPlayerPos(playerid,x,y,z);
X,Y,Z the ones from file.

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