06.08.2010, 18:24
format(PropertyString,sizeof(PropertyString),"%s \n : %s \n Bizz ID: %d \n Extortion: %s \n Entering Fee: $%d. \n To enter this, /enter.",BizzInfo[h][bMessage],BizzInfo[h][b], BizzInfo[h][bVirWorld], BizzInfo[h][bExtortion], BizzInfo[h][bEntranceCost]);
that is all 1 line, the error is "Undefined symbol "B" "
if you need more info just say
btw the gamemode is Ravens roleplay 2.6 and that is line 20783
that is all 1 line, the error is "Undefined symbol "B" "
if you need more info just say
btw the gamemode is Ravens roleplay 2.6 and that is line 20783