23.07.2010, 23:30
Okey, I've tried to think of how to make this work.
But I got this Vehicle System that saves players vehicles into 1 .ini file like this:
If you are interested it saves like this:
But what I want is a /park command. That gets the player in vehicle, matches it to the vehicles license plate.
Just to proof the current person inside the car running /park command is the owner of vehicle.
And if the person has more then 1 vehicle, I used plate numbers to identify the correct vehicle.
So how far I think I managed to fix, but the problem comes to open the file, find the license number to get the correct line I want to edit. And then overwrite old X, Y, Z and Angle to the current one.
So the vehicle from then on would spawn there.
Please make the rest there, I don't know how to make it. And it gives me a head cache lol, I can't think of how
If you need some other parts of code to make this, let me know !
My problem is to find the correct line and replace it correctly. Thank you very much if you could help!!
Okey, I've tried to think of how to make this work.
But I got this Vehicle System that saves players vehicles into 1 .ini file like this:
{Daniel_Lan:FC-126643:581:0:0:61.145141:1189.521240:18.826271:260.695800} {Daniel_Lan:FC-135699:541:79:79:-302.306884:1745.964477:42.414600:91.546401} {Sam_Jukonen:FC-571386:461:3:3:-301.295410:1779.988891:42.414600:89.990196} {Sam_Jukonen:FC-658415:509:3:3:-301.295410:1779.988891:42.414600:89.990196}
pawn Код:
// [Stuff that gets all the variables etc, and at end this:]
new File:carfile = fopen(CARMOD_FILE_LOC, io_append);
// {owner:plate:model:col:col2:x:y:z:ang} (Just to explain what is what)
new cmd2[1024];
format(cmd2, sizeof(cmd2), "{%s:%s:%i:%i:%i:%f:%f:%f:%f}\r\n", vehOwner, vehPlate, vehModel, vehCol1, vehCol2, vehX, vehY, vehZ, vehAng);
fwrite(carfile, cmd2);
Just to proof the current person inside the car running /park command is the owner of vehicle.
And if the person has more then 1 vehicle, I used plate numbers to identify the correct vehicle.
So how far I think I managed to fix, but the problem comes to open the file, find the license number to get the correct line I want to edit. And then overwrite old X, Y, Z and Angle to the current one.
So the vehicle from then on would spawn there.
pawn Код:
if(!strcmp("/park", cmdtext, true))
new tmpcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
if(strcmp(vehOwnerName[tmpcar], plyName, true) == 0)
//LicensePlate[tmpcar] <<-- This gets the current vehicles license plate
// What to do now?
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_CMD, " - You don't own this Vehicle !");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_CMD, " - You're not inside a owned Vehicle !");
return 1;
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_CMD, " - You must be in a vehicle to park one !");
return 1;
return 1;
If you need some other parts of code to make this, let me know !
My problem is to find the correct line and replace it correctly. Thank you very much if you could help!!