paycheck help larp

hello. Can someone tell me how i change Larp gamemode payday money like polise get 2000$ and more how i change it when payday come then everyone get random money everytime help please.

I dont know the larp code, but somewhere there should be a GivePlayerMoney. Replace the amount the player gets by random(maximum he should get)

i need more help

Its really not that hard. Just do what Mauzen said. If creating a random amount of cash for payday is hard for you to do, then give up on scripting. No offense

This has to be one of the most basic things a person must do. Just do what was said above.... If you can't do it, Then don't script/Own a server. Alternativley, Hire a scripter.

I think that is on this line >>>

pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[i][pPayDay] >= 5)
                    Tax += SInfo[0][SafeTax];//Should work for every player online
                    PlayerInfo[i][pAccount] -= SInfo[0][SafeTax];
                    new checks = PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] / 10;
the last line.. Change 10, thats divides the pPayCheck, the higher is that "10", then lower is the paycheck...

I think that, try it maybe works..

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