Random isn't working properly :S

The random isn't working properly, there are 3 chances to success and 7 to fail
the thing is that sometimes its just succeeds for a few times in a row and then fails a few times in a row
That's the code:
pawn Код:
new Chance = random(10);
            if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunSkill] <= 50 && Chance == 3 || Chance == 6)
                AssmblingSucessLuck[playerid] = 1;
            else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunSkill] <= 50 && Chance == 1 || Chance == 2 || Chance == 4 || Chance == 5 || Chance == 7 || Chance == 8 || Chance == 9 || Chance == 10)
                AssmblingFail[playerid] = 1;
And sometimes nothing happeneds

It's >random<.

If that's your case, it's randomly picking that success a few times in a row just because it's random.

I don't get it O.O

pawn Код:
new Chance = random(10);

if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunSkill] <= 50)
        case 3,6:
            AssmblingSucessLuck[playerid] = 1;
        case 1,2,4,5,7,8,9,10:
            AssmblingFail[playerid] = 1;

For ten it would return zero to nine, it's always from zero to your passed value minus one.

I made it random(11) and used case 0-10, still the same.

Originally Posted by Maxips2
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I made it random(11) and used case 0-10, still the same.
I was replying just on the random thing, didn't read the code to be honest.

Freshkillas code is fine btw, fix the random part and maybe add a "default :" case, id try that anyway, add a default case with a debug print to see if it's the issue. It could be related to the custom functions or array values aswell so stick those in the prints.

Nope, the default case does not activate at all

Run this code (yes I blatently stole it from Freshkilla):

pawn Код:
new Chance = random(10);
printf("chance = %d", Chance);
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pGunSkill] <= 50)
    print("gunskill was below or equal to 50");
    print("before switch");
        case 3,6:
            print("first case");
            AssmblingSucessLuck[playerid] = 1;
        case 0,1,2,4,5,7,8,9:
            print("second case");
            AssmblingFail[playerid] = 1;
        default: print"(the default case, this shouldn't be seen!!!");
    print("after switch");
else print("gunskill wasn't less or equal to 50");
Run that and see what prints out.

I tried that a few times:

pawn Код:
[14:06:23] gunskill was below or equal to 50
[14:06:23] before switch
[14:06:23] second case
[14:06:23] after switch
[14:06:46] gunskill was below or equal to 50
[14:06:46] before switch
[14:06:46] first case
[14:06:46] after switch
[14:07:03] gunskill was below or equal to 50
[14:07:03] before switch
[14:07:03] second case
[14:07:03] after switch
[14:07:21] gunskill was below or equal to 50
[14:07:21] before switch
[14:07:21] second case
[14:07:21] after switch
[14:07:39] gunskill was below or equal to 50
[14:07:39] before switch
[14:07:39] first case
[14:07:39] after switch
But it didn't work as it should work, according to the printing, it works fine, but in-game it doesn't work properly
so whats fucked up here?

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