09.07.2010, 20:02
Were Is A Good/Easy House Script? And Were Are Some House Coordinates?
AddPlayerClass(111,-437.6672,1549.8035,78.9463,264.1605,0,0,0,0,0,0); // BEWest
HouseNames[60], //To save into the file
HouseCost, //The house cost HouseOwner[24], // The house owners Name Float:PickupX, // PickupX Float:PickupY, //PickupY Float:PickupZ, //PickupZ Float:TeleX, //The house location Float:TeleY, //The house location Float:TeleZ, //The house location Interior, //The house Interior How To Find These Details? |
stock CreateHouse(Filename[], Cost, Float:Pickupx, Float:Pickupy, Float:Pickupz, Float:Telex, Float:Teley, Float:Telez, interior, sell)
return 1;
storck CreateHouse("CasinoAppartment",25000,2325.2373,2114.7571,10.8281,302.180999,300.722991,999.148437,4,26000)
AddPlayerClass(111,2325.2373,2114.7571,10.8281,178.2254,0,0,0,0,0,0); // pickup into interior
easy i guess just do it like this...
later when you add everything you need you will get the line for creating a house pawn Код:
pawn Код:
btw ingame /save pickup to house then go to GTA Directory and find saved positions and there here is what i did for the coordinates there Код:
AddPlayerClass(111,2325.2373,2114.7571,10.8281,178.2254,0,0,0,0,0,0); // pickup into interior hope that helps |