Airport Areas

Does anybody got the Airport Areas?
I want to know it from:

SF Airport
LS Airport
LV Airport
(not the death Airport in LV)

If somebody got it, please give me the coцrds (like the IsPlayerInArea(max x, min x, max y, min y)

Thank you if you got it!

Try using isplayerinrange and experiment with range and z range

Yes but then itґs a circle and I want just a square because the airports in LV and SF are more like a square.

doesnґt anybody got that coцrds?

Then search for IsPlayerInArea/IsPlayerInZone/whatever

Save coords from tower at each airport then use isplayerinrange, radars are in circles not in squares would be more realplay this way

Ok thanks all I got the positions and it works!

Your welcome

- Tails i also use that teleport thingy when scripting

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