Not Saving Anything

So I'm using Eazy_'s tutorial on how to make a register and log in that saves stuff, blabla.. but I'm not sure why nothing is saving. I make an account and go through the RP tutorial I made with dialogs, and I spawn. Then, I log out, and log back in, and it saves nothing. Not my skin, my money, or the fact that I completed the test, or even position (not sure if I did that right though.). Can anyone help me?

It looks like you aren't loading anything else then the password to compare on your login command.

How do you figure? If you look under login it says it sets skin, admin level, and all that stuff.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
  IsLogged[playerid] = 0;
    new Float:x;
    new Float:y;
    new Float:z;
    positionx = x;
    positiony = y;
    positionz = z;
    return 1;

you should add Saving functions: kills,score,skin and other things to OnPlayerDisconnect then it saves.


I don't really understand how saving stats on disconnect works, becuse really, they are disconnected, therefore theres nothing to save, as their variables are gone.

Does anyone know a better tutorial/copy and paste of a register and login system that saves stuff?

Originally Posted by Williams
Does anyone know a better tutorial/copy and paste of a register and login system that saves stuff?
Wow... noob. Copy and paste.. just leave samp, right now.

use Ladmin this saves Much work

Originally Posted by ♂ Antonio [G-RP
Originally Posted by Williams
Does anyone know a better tutorial/copy and paste of a register and login system that saves stuff?
Wow... noob. Copy and paste.. just leave samp, right now.
Most tutorials are just copy and paste. In fact, I prefer tutorials which is why I'm usually on the wiki, looking at them. How about, you just shut your mouth. Thanks.

Anyways, where do you recommend I put the SaveStats function at? If it doesn't work under OnPlayerDisconnect..

How about you learn to script, noob.

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