OverDrive Gaming Currently In Need of An Experienced Scripter

OverDrive Gaming is currently looking for a new lead-scripter position to help with the development of a 100% fully custom roleplay script. It's not an edit what-so-ever. We do require a few things, these are listed below. We are quickly growing in users and about 30% of the script is completed already. Our site is located at www.overdrivegaming.net. You will also get server/forum benefits listed below.

Server/Forum Benefits
Access to the forums private staff/scripting boards
A Full Time Staff Position
Full access to the host control panel as a sub-user
POSSIBLE payment
An In-Game staff position

At-least 3 months knowledge of PAWN(O) scripting
At-least 13 years of age
Able to coordinate with other users and staff
Proper grammar
Able to put up with utter bull shit
Ability to listen to higher ranking staff, preferably me
Ability to discuss particular things with higher ranking staff

MSN: zippydoozy@yahoo.com
E-mail: zippydoozy@yahoo.com
xFire: zippydoozy
Skype: nick_deeds

We will test your scripting abilities before you get the full job.

((Please Note: We're a very serious community. We do not take bull shit and we will not put up with the vandalism/stealing of scripts. We have taken legal action once and it CAN happen again.))

I'd be happy to work with you hammer

I wana help! Im pretty gud with pawno. PM me if i can help. or better yet, invite me on IM:



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