Need Scripter

My server needs a scripter. I will pay on a monthly basis. I need a scripter who could make a good mdc system. You can contact me at
UPDATE-This is for a roleplay server. You can reach me via IM
The type of MDC I am talking about is a Mobile Data Computer for the pd.

MDC? Explain i know three things that Are MDC

There are 3 things I want to say here :

First :

I've PM'ed you :P

Second :

What will the server be?? (RP, Stunts, TDM, etc...)

Third :
Let's be honest, monthly payment SUX.

Yh But Monthly Payments Are More Securer and then u dont get ripped off

Originally Posted by Azzerking
Yh But Monthly Payments Are More Securer and then u dont get ripped off

1. You give script

2. He always asks for scripts

3. End of month = blocked.

Still think it's more secure then giving script then getting cash right away?

What I Meant Was U Make Script Then Ask For Payment (Depends How Many Months Takes) Then Give Script

1) Make Script
2) Ask For Final Payment
3) Give Script

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