Is Player In Area.

I have an include that works but how do i define, when a player enters a vehicle on that area, he wont beable to move with the car?
public OnPlayerEnterArea(playerid,areaid)
   return 1;

for that you go to OnPlayerEnterVehicle and then you use the IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint native function to check if he is in the area and at least if the if statment is true freeze him

example would be
minx miny maxx maxy
if(IsPlayerInArea(playerid, 2201.777832, -2691.262207, 2857.777832, -2251.262207))

Float:minx = The minimum x value for the area
Float:miny = The minimum y value for the area
Float:maxx = The maximum x value for the area
Float:maxy = The maximum y value for the area

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