error score with me is occurring ladmin4v2

Hello everyone!.
The function of which I speak is to be placed in the Ladmin4v2, Howrah what I mean is to make a function in OnplayerUpdate for you Nascar q q Always read the Score (The kills located in SCRIPTFILE / ladmin / users).

and Achieving this already, but just bn me is reading the score when the player is connected by q onplayerspawn put this on:


new playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername));
SetPlayerScore(playerid, dUserINT(playername).("Kills"));

Example: if I have 5 score tells me to connect five in the table (when using the Tab key) Salen bn deaths.
but if I kill up tbm in Table 2 as bone if I kill up to 7, but when they die back in May which was what I had to connect osea q noc updates to spain. but everything else is perfect for sime q vuelbo to connect disconnected and leave the 7 kills.

I recommended it to call the score with butnot OnplayerUpdate I have no idea of the function so as to Spain or to die.

I may help with this?
may be a function of OnplayerUpdate or some timer for when you die or may be to spain
I hope your answers

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