Trouble Joining San Andreas Cops and Robbers [0.3a]

Well i click the connect button for the server and on the part where it says like connecting to so and so before u actually start playing..well after that part it says "Connected. Joining the game"..and it like just stays on that part so it basically freezes, but before it used to work fine. Does anyone know if i can fix it? if so, how?

Does this happen to you just in this server, or in every server?

i got the same problem at it is with almost all servers i think ... I got no mods.. Its very anoying.. When i wanna play i just can get in i just connect and then i come up and freeze

I got the solution.. Just reinstall GTA + SA-MP and then it works i hope. It works for me :P

Its a problem with the host, the server technicly froze. If you see that the amount of players and the names of the players connected are the same, then its just a problem with the server's host.

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